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Thank you for clicking on the Leading Way Support Page. 

All donations to Leading Way qualify for tax deduction in the USA. Leading Way operates as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation.


Your support enables Leading Way and their international teams to engage in strategic projects, and the fulfillment of bible prophesy in connection with aliyah of the Sephardic Beneanusim. 

Thank You for your support.



Thank you for your giving to this ministry of faith. We do what we do for the glory of God because of people like you. Your regular monthly or periodic donations are most welcome. You are a blessing to this work. Click below to set up a donation.


There are also specific projects you can support through Leading Way. You can choose to support our Children's Feeding Center in Uruguay or support any of our other ongoing efforts. Click below to find out how you can support these specific projects. 

A Personal Note from Mike & Adriana Medina

These are both exciting and troublesome times! Exciting because it is obvious that we have entered a time a acceleration and that we are getting closer to the dramatic fulfillment of bible prophecies leading up to prophesied end-time events. Its like the calm before the storm. The extreme weather patterns are disturbing, violence is on the rise in America, and most of the rest of the world is in economic and geopolitical chaos like we see in Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Africa. So what should we be doing? 


      This is the time to be intensifying our intimacy with God and pressing in through prayer. If we put our trust in G-d alone He will defend us. And this is the time to be giving. Giving unlocks God’s favor and will keep us in divine alignment.


      Thank you for your giving to this ministry of faith. We do what we do for the glory of God because of people like you. Your regular monthly or periodic donations are most welcome. You are a blessing to this work. Thank you in advance for your giving. 

May The Lord Bless You And Keep You,

Mike & Adriana Medina

Please click on the donate button above which will direct you to the go-emerchant page where your donation via Credit or Debit card will be securely processed. If you have any difficulty, please call/text us at 1.214.926.6281 and we will assist you.  


You may also mail your tax-deductible contributions to:


                     Leading Way

                     PO Box 765062

                     Dallas, TX 75376-5062 USA

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There are also specific projects you can support through Leading Way:


Children's Feeding Center funded and supported by Leading Way where up to 1000 impoverished children are fed 5 times per week plus youth educational development programs. This project also includes facility improvements and outreach efforts. Your Leading Way contributions allow Mike & Adriana Medina to be strategically involved in this noble effort impacting precious lives. For more information and instructions on how you can give CLICK HERE. ​

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